Thank you for your business and the opportunity to serve you. We wanted to personally share an update on our efforts to help keep your operations up and running during the Corona Virus (COVID-19).
ACSI Mechanical Group is closely monitoring the latest reports from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO), and being guided by the MCAA (Mechanical Contractors Association of America) in efforts to reduce the spread of the virus and take precautionary measures for the health and safety of our customers and employees. Our goal is to do everything we can to help you keep your operations up and running and people safe during this unprecedented and evolving situation.
We’ve instituted a pandemic plan across our organization that includes health and safety protocols so we can continue to serve you.
We are augmenting cleaning procedures at our facility and have educated all employees on best practices recommended by the CDC.
We are working closely with suppliers to maintain appropriate personal protective equipment for jobs which require it. We are affected by the global shortage of pandemic-related product and understand the importance of specific PPE being supplied to hospitals, first responders, etc., however, we cannot allow the safety of our employees be compromised in the event of necessary PPE becoming unavailable.
We shall continue work operations in the event of a large percentage of our office employees become ill. We include implemented plans regarding work from home situations for office staff, possibly hiring temporary office staff or utilizing skeleton crews with extended hours to assist our customers.
Our off-site after hours (nights, weekends & Holidays) phone answering service can be used as a 24-hour service needs.
The president, vice president, safety liaison, and other managers directly involved, will discuss the response necessary to inform clients and vendors who may be affected. Once the situation is controlled internally, the circumstances and plan of action will be communicated in a timely fashion to our external business partners via email, or other appropriate forms of communication.
ACSI Mechanical Group management team will discuss contingency plans on a job-by-job basis to complete work in progress and handle ANY emergencies.
ACSI Mechanical Group is committed to the safety and concern for your business, our community & employees and will continue to keep on top of the COVIO-19 situation and reevaluate and plan as the situation evolves.
Francis (Frank) M. Lacny President